
"I thought you would appreciate some feedback on the contactless casting. I'm really pleased to say it went really well. Gina was an absolute delight bless her and she produced lovely moulds. She was very happy with the product and also with the instructions. It is something I can really see working. I also liked the moulds, the alginate felt really nice. I also noticed the easy mixing instructions. My alginate has always been great but it seems more labour intensive."
Lisa Marie, A Step Back in Time, Cheshunt
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Family Casting Gallery

Family Tree cast
Siblings hand cast in gold
5 family hands
Linked hands family cast
3 hands family cast
Anniversary couple's hand cast
Anniversary couple's hand cast
3 adult hands family cast
'Signalling Peace' art piece made by a customer using a custom kit
Couple's hand cast
Mum and Dad hand cast
Mum and baby hand cast
Practicing the pose for a family hand cast
Couple hand cast